The past few years have been troublesome for the National Rifle Association. Considering my being an NRA Certified Instructor, Coach, and Safety Officer, I am very impressed in their recent strategic outcomes of the new NRA Board’s elections of new leadership. The new NRA President is former Georgia Congressman, Bob…

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FA 16 Smart Guns?

So, What’s All This About “Smart Guns”? “Biofire Technologies unveiled the Biofire Smart Gun®, a 9mm handgun that uses fingerprint and facial recognition bio-metrics ….”  (/PRNewswire – April 13, 2023)1 Quoting from the developer’s (Biofire) press release above, “The 9mm handgun fires only for authorized users, ensuring it can’t be…

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FA 15 It’s A War Out There

“Societies exist under three forms [of government] sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of everyone has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one.3. Under governments of force:…

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FA 14 Habits

You Don’t Have Any Bad Habits, or do you? Shoot Better With Good Habits Who, me?  Oh ya, sure, I’ve got a few, but I’ll spare you my details! A few months ago, I saw an article in NRA’s Shooting Illustrated authored by Steve Tarani, titled “Developing Good Shooting Habits”.…

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FA 12 – I’ve Had Enough!

I’m tired of a special purpose “media” castigating an inanimate object (a gun) and raging about “gun violence”.And I’m tired of the fickle finger of blame being cast at a “vast right-wing conspiracy” of “gun-loving NRA members” with cries to “just do something”! The recent shootings at a Texas elementary…

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Don’t Get Trapped!

In my past corporate life, I conducted Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” seminars, teaching participants how seek excellence.  In Dr. Covey’s writings, espoused as his 5th Habit, he focuses on the principle of “Seek First to Understand”.  In his context, his focus was on oral communications, however…

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Trigger Jerk

SO, WHICH IS IT – MYTH OR REALITY? (copies of referenced materials are available at the end of the article) I attended a training session conducted by a USMC veteran and NRA senior training counselor – I’ll call him Marty.  I had earned my NRA Instructor credential several years prior,…

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The Thomas Paine Approach

If Mr. Paine were designing a training program to educate early Americans on the necessities of forming a new republic, how would he have designed that course?  He knew his objective was to educate the citizenry of this fledgling nation on the merits of forming their own government and break…

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